Chihuahua Ears Floppy When Tired

Why Some Chihuahuas Have Floppy Ears

Chihuahuas are adorable little dogs that have become very popular pets all over the world. One of the most endearing traits of these tiny dogs is their big, expressive ears. However, these ears can sometimes flop over when the dog is tired, and this can be a cause for concern for some owners. In this article, we will explore why Chihuahua ears can become floppy when tired, and what you can do about it.

Why do Chihuahua Ears Flop When Tired?

Chihuahuas have large ears relative to their body size, and they have a lot of cartilage in their ears to keep them upright. However, when a Chihuahua gets tired, their muscles relax, and their ears can flop over. This is a natural response and is nothing to worry about. It's just like when we humans get tired, our muscles relax, and we may slouch or slump in our chairs.

Related Problems and Solutions

Sometimes, a Chihuahua's ears may not have enough cartilage to keep them upright, and they may flop over even when the dog is not tired. This can be a genetic issue or could be due to an injury or infection. In these cases, a veterinarian may recommend surgery to correct the problem.

Another related issue is ear infections, which can cause a Chihuahua's ears to become red, itchy, and painful. This can also cause the ears to flop over. To prevent ear infections, make sure to clean your Chihuahua's ears regularly and keep them dry. If you notice any signs of infection, such as discharge or an unpleasant odor, take your dog to the vet right away.

Common Questions and Answers

Q: Is it normal for a Chihuahua's ears to flop over when they are tired?

A: Yes, this is a natural response and is nothing to worry about.

Q: Can floppy ears be a sign of an ear infection?

A: Yes, ear infections can cause a Chihuahua's ears to become red, itchy, and painful, which can lead to them flopping over.

Q: Can surgery fix floppy ears?

A: In some cases, surgery may be recommended to correct floppy ears, especially if it is due to a genetic issue or an injury.

Tips for Dealing with Floppy Ears

If your Chihuahua's ears are floppy when they are tired, there is not much you can do about it. However, you should monitor their ears for any signs of infection or other issues. Regular cleaning and drying can help prevent infections, and if you notice any problems, take your dog to the vet right away. Additionally, make sure your Chihuahua gets plenty of rest and sleep to avoid over-tiring them.


In conclusion, Chihuahua ears can become floppy when tired, and this is a natural response that is nothing to worry about. However, if your Chihuahua's ears are floppy all the time or are accompanied by other symptoms, such as redness or discharge, it may be a sign of an underlying issue, and you should take your dog to the vet right away. With proper care and attention, you can ensure that your Chihuahua's ears stay healthy and upright.




Chihuahua, ears, floppy, tired, infection, surgery