Basenji Breeding Season

Basenji Curly Tailed Dog Dog Choices

Basenji breeding season is a time of excitement and anticipation for breeders and dog lovers alike. This is the time when Basenjis, one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, come into heat and are ready to mate. It is a crucial time for breeders as they carefully select the right mate to produce healthy and strong puppies.

What is Basenji Breeding Season?

Basenji breeding season is the time of year when Basenjis are in heat and ready to breed. This usually occurs twice a year, in the spring and fall. During this time, Basenjis become more vocal and restless, and their scent becomes more attractive to other dogs.

Breeders carefully select the right mate for their Basenjis to ensure that the puppies are healthy and strong. They consider factors such as genetics, temperament, and physical characteristics. This careful selection process is critical to producing healthy and happy Basenjis.

Related Problems and Solutions

One of the biggest problems with Basenji breeding is the risk of genetic disorders. Basenjis are prone to certain genetic disorders, such as Fanconi Syndrome and Progressive Retinal Atrophy. Breeders must carefully screen their Basenjis and their potential mates to ensure that they are not carriers of these disorders.

Another problem is the risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery. Basenjis are a small breed, and their puppies are often large in proportion to their size. This can lead to difficulties during delivery, and breeders must closely monitor their Basenjis during this time.

The solution to these problems is careful breeding practices. Breeders must screen their Basenjis and their potential mates for genetic disorders, and they must closely monitor their Basenjis during pregnancy and delivery. By taking these precautions, breeders can produce healthy and happy Basenjis.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to breed Basenjis?

The best time to breed Basenjis is during their heat cycle, which usually occurs twice a year, in the spring and fall.

How many puppies can a Basenji have?

Basenjis typically have litters of 4-6 puppies, although larger litters are possible.

How long is a Basenji's gestation period?

A Basenji's gestation period is approximately 63 days.

Tips for Basenji Breeding Season

1. Screen your Basenjis and their potential mates for genetic disorders.

2. Monitor your Basenjis closely during pregnancy and delivery.

3. Select the right mate for your Basenji based on genetics, temperament, and physical characteristics.

4. Provide your Basenjis with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise during breeding season.


Basenji breeding season is an exciting time for breeders and dog lovers alike. By carefully selecting the right mate and taking precautions to ensure the health and well-being of their Basenjis, breeders can produce healthy and happy puppies. With proper care and attention, Basenjis can continue to be one of the world's most beloved dog breeds.

