Wolf Vs Rottweiler Size

Irish Wolfhound vs Rottweiler Breed Comparison MyDogBreeds

Wolf vs Rottweiler size is a topic that often comes up when people compare these two animals. The size difference between a wolf and a Rottweiler can be significant, but there are many other factors to consider as well. In this article, we will discuss the size difference between wolves and Rottweilers, related problems and solutions, frequently asked questions, tips, and conclude with our thoughts on the subject.

The Size Difference Between Wolves and Rottweilers

Wolves are generally larger than Rottweilers, with an average weight of around 70-110 pounds for males and 50-85 pounds for females. Rottweilers, on the other hand, usually weigh between 80-135 pounds for males and 70-100 pounds for females. This means that while some Rottweilers may be larger than some wolves, the average wolf is larger than the average Rottweiler.

However, size is not the only factor to consider when comparing these two animals. Wolves are wild animals that have evolved to survive in the wild, while Rottweilers are domesticated animals that have been bred for specific purposes. This means that wolves have certain instincts and behaviors that Rottweilers do not, and may be more dangerous in certain situations.

Related Problems and Solutions

One problem that can arise when comparing wolves and Rottweilers is the idea that a Rottweiler can be trained to be a wolf-like protector. While Rottweilers are certainly capable of being trained to protect their owners, they do not have the same instincts or abilities as wolves, and cannot be expected to behave in the same way. It is important to remember that Rottweilers are domesticated animals, and should be treated as such.

Another problem is the idea that wolves can be domesticated and kept as pets. While there are examples of wolves that have been raised in captivity and are relatively tame, this is not the norm. Wolves are wild animals that have specific needs, and should not be kept as pets without proper training and education.

Frequently Asked Questions

One question that people often ask when comparing wolves and Rottweilers is which one is more dangerous. While both animals can be dangerous in certain situations, wolves are generally more unpredictable and may be more dangerous in the wild. Rottweilers, on the other hand, are domesticated animals that have been bred for specific purposes, and are generally more predictable.

Another question that people ask is whether a Rottweiler could beat a wolf in a fight. While it is certainly possible for a Rottweiler to win a fight against a wolf, it is not a fair comparison. Wolves are wild animals that have evolved to survive in the wild, while Rottweilers are domesticated animals that have been bred for specific purposes.


If you are considering getting a Rottweiler, it is important to remember that they are large, powerful animals that require a lot of training and socialization. It is also important to remember that they are domesticated animals, and should be treated as such.

If you encounter a wolf in the wild, it is important to remember that they are wild animals that may be dangerous. It is important to give them plenty of space and avoid approaching them.


While the size difference between wolves and Rottweilers is significant, there are many other factors to consider when comparing these two animals. Wolves are wild animals with specific instincts and behaviors, while Rottweilers are domesticated animals that have been bred for specific purposes. It is important to remember that both animals can be dangerous in certain situations, and should be treated with respect.



  • Wolf vs Rottweiler size
  • Size difference between wolves and Rottweilers
  • Wolves as pets
  • Rottweilers as protectors
  • Dangerous animals